Lana Del Rey..I love you

by Miss Style on Friday, January 20, 2012

She's beautiful. She's got mad style. AND her music is OFF THE CHAIN. But she's gotten a bad rap lately. Bloggers have been remarking that she "tanked" on SNL, but I personally think she was nervous. She's a brand new singer and about to just MAKE it, and I think the stress of fame got to her. Unfortunately, the fact that she was born into money doesn't make it that much better for her reputation, but nonetheless I think if you do what you want and you make good music and you look damn good while doing it, you shouldn't be criticized too harshly. I do have few things I'd like to discuss with her manager/publicist though...

She's so lovvvvely...I think she just makes my wildest hipster style dreams come true, and if I were to ever be so bold as to make music, I'd do it her way. So this story is leading to when I dressed up in a white gown and wore a flower crown+dark lipstick to watch her perform on SNL. 

How I made the crown was i got some old silk flowers and took them off of their plastic stems so the bulb and the teeny stem was all that was left. Then I got a long piece of yarn.

I tied the yarn in little knots on the end of their little leftover stems tightly, and made sure I alternated flowers and put them close together since they'd be stretched out on my head. 

I did not (or will not ever have enough ca a ash to) wear this outfit, but it's semi-reminiscent. 

I used Va Va violet lipstick by Revlon. This baby only comes out on special occasions. 

Finished product! 

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