This past weekend I went to Chinese Christmas with my good friend and running buddy, miss Kyla Moore! It was quite enjoyable, and I got a Target gift card out of it so...what I'm saying is...score. I also looked REAL CUTE. See: Below.
Sorry for the bad lighting and crappy camera quality...1. It was literally midnight and I was like..EFF MOM TAKE A PICTURE OF ME and 2. As I've said, the camera that I'm trying to work with here is comprable to a disposable one from 1999. Oh and I'm not married to a photographer (grrr kendi everyday is lucky/beautiful/amazing grr)
Other than that, I thought it was a pretty cute night! I gorged on homemade Chex mix and listened to Kyla's family embarrass her with childhood stories. Oh and her cousin agreed to make Scarlett a cute dog collar. SCORE.
I also have some exciting news! I'm going to be featuring 2 new Fashion contributors on my blog in the coming weeks! One will be Corey, or DJ String Bean as I so lovingly nicknamed him when I was slightly under the influence this past Christmas, and Two is my lovely sister and best friend, Madi. They're both super stylish, so I was all "Hey, why don't you guys just be on my blog?" And they were all like "K". That's literally exactly how the conversation went. I'm totally kidding, we're way more chatty than that but you get the idea. Here's a picture with all of us for good measure!
String Bean is of course on the far Left, and Madi's in the middle. We were posing before our super cool live music video we were featured in. It's okay to freak out because you now know we're a little famous.
Stay tuned for their posts in the coming week, and get excited because it's going to be FAB-U-LOUS.
Also, I've put up a link for you to follow my blog on "Blog Lovin!" Please, if you're a member and you check it, like my blog on the site! Make me feel important why don't you? SHOW ME YOU LOVE MEH.
Live fast. Die Young. Bad girls do it well.