Lovely Sunday nights

by Miss Style on Monday, February 13, 2012

Aren't you all just itching to know what ends the glamourous weekend for Miss Style? After an entire 3 days of doing lovely things and generally being stylish, one has to end it with a bang, right? I prefer to go out with a whimper.

Ah..snow. It was the first and probably only snow we'll get this year, but I'm strangely okay with that. 

what's a mellow Sunday night without my fashion magazines?

and of course, Funny Girl was on. Babs, you beautiful creature.

I cleaned out my closet and forgot I had these bad boys. They might be annoying and I would never wear them out, but they're sooooooooooooo comfy.

One of my favorite mugs. I love feeling cheeky when I sip on my Green tea.

I ended the day by folding my whites. Hey, I'm putting it all out there for you.

Now it's cold and rainy, and I'm sitting here in a damp computer lab waiting for my next class to start. Can it be Sunday night again? What are some of YOUR Sunday night rituals?

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