There is a reason why this person is my best friend. I'll list the various reasons.
1. He is awesome
2. We connected over wittiness and a mutual hatred of a certain Journalism teacher
3. We both love Gaga and Lana Del Rey and have virtually the same taste in music, which is like, our favorite thing (next to blogging, OF COURSE)
4. He is the guy version of me.
5. Other stuff that I can't think of but he'll probably chastise me later for not mentioning.
Something that I hate about him is that he moved ALL THE WAY TO TENNESSEE and left me in boring old Texas. So we communicate through long texts and brain waves, and now through our fantastic taste in fashion. He's evolved from sweatshirts and slippers to outfits like this, and I couldn't be prouder! So here it is, a shout out to impeccable menswear!
I immensely enjoy this look. Bravo Corey for some refreshing summer separates! And if any of you are interested, follow him on insta @coreystreeter, or on tumblr @ Look out next week for his second cameo!